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On 4th May in the Hellenic Police Training Academy of Veria city was organized a half day Workshop
In the period 3-4 May an anti-terrorism exercises in Thessaloniki and Veria cities of Greece were performed by the KEMEA
The final third day of the SOBT field exercise concluded with analises from all participating authorities on the field.
On 1st March 2023 SOBT along with the authorities of Sofia Municipality, Sofia Airport and Border Police started the field exercise
On 28th Feb. 2023 SOBT organized a Tabletop Exercise with all authorities that could be involved in an event with hostages
Nicosia Workshop was organized as a one day event on 27/01/2023.
A police exercise was held on 26/01/2023 at the GSP stadium in Nicosia, in order to manage a terrorist attack.
The first physical meeting after the pandemic COVID19 situation will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria in the period 15-16 November 2022.
On 4th May in the Hellenic Police Training Academy of Veria city was organized a half day Workshop
In the period 3-4 May the Greek anti-terrorism exercises in Thessaloniki Concert Hall (3rd May - full day exercise)
During the Bulgarian field exercise and workshop held in the period 1-2 March 2023, COBRA project consortium
SOBT organized in their premises a final Workshop with representatives from all authorities that were part of the field exercise.
The field exercise in Bulgaria was planned as two phases of the field exercise.
On 28th Feb. 2023 was organized a Tabletop Exercise in the premises of Border police located at Sofia Airport.
During the Cyprus field exercise and workshop, COBRA project consortium did its third physical meeting
Nicosia Workshop was organized as a one day event on 27/01/2023.
A police exercise was held on 26/01/2023 at the GSP stadium in Nicosia, in order to manage a terrorist attack.
COBRA project consortium restarted its physical meetings after the pandemic COVID19 situation.
SOBT visited this year's Milipol Exhibition 2021
During the Mediterranean Security Event
4th February 2019